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Be MINDFUL about What You Eat and How You Chew

Be MINDFUL about What You Eat and How You Chew

Everyone at one time or another during their lifetime has been given an important task to do. After being explained how, what and why, one would get on with it to the very best of one's ability – especially if there were only to be positive gains to the individual for doing it right. And if all of this comes at NO CHARGE? That means "Nothing to Lose and All to Gain" – all the better!

Now what task could that possibly be?

At long last, a growing body of research suggests that the Human Being has FAILED miserably in carrying out the most important of all tasks given to him / her to control. The result? A spiraling epidemic of diseases and ailments that has no end in sight except for personal suffering rising costs.
Do you fall in to this category of failing to do this most simple task correctly? Read more … to find out.
This is what is being stated – “….. research suggests that a slower, more thoughtful way of eating could help with weight problems and maybe steer some people away from processed food and unhealthy choices”. This must be the understatement of the centuries. And why the “maybe”?
Being more “mindful” techniques have also been offered as a way to relieve stress and alleviate problems like high blood pressure and chronic gastrointestinal difficulties.
Applied to eating, being mindful includes noticing what you are eating and its texture. Why? Simply because it is up to you to be aware and critical about what you are putting in your mouth and how best it can be chewed UNTIL NONE OF THE ORIGINAL FOODS ARE RECOGNIZABLE!
Swallowing FOOD that is still in either part or all of its original form is DAMAGING to the rest of the Digestive System. The undisputed fact is that Chewing food thoroughly would solve many different kinds of health problems – even if it is bad food.
In case this is not enough to change your eating habits, here are a few more facts that may help in getting this vital function right – for the benefit of the whole family:
In addition to brushing and flossing, a healthful diet protects teeth from decay and keeps the gums healthy. A well-balanced diet provides the minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients essential for healthy teeth and gums. Bad foods and drink make for bad teeth and gums.
More teeth are lost through gum disease than through tooth decay. Gum disease is likely to strike anyone who neglects oral hygiene or has a poor diet.
When people think digestion they most often think of intestines and their stomach, whereas the fact is that the digestion process actually begins in the mouth. The action of chewing mechanically breaks down very large amounts of food molecules into smaller particles. The food will be allowed to mix in with the saliva and enzymes which is another essential requirement of the digestive system.
It is difficult to chew well with a mouth full of food. Smaller quantities can be chewed well. This has the added benefit of allowing you to taste each mouthful which in itself makes the effort more enjoyable, memorable and you will consume less.
Your brain will have time to send the correct messages to the stomach as well as to you.
Well chewed food (now known as Bolus) provides for the proper transport of nutrients in your body.
You will not get that heavy “Oh! I have eaten too much again” feeling with all the discomfort that comes with it. Rather, you will feel energized, light and comfortable.
Fat loss and overall weight control will become much easier and successful – without dieting!
What are the results of not chewing thoroughly?

Poor absorption of the vitamins and nutrients that the foods you are eating should provide.
Eating quickly and swallowing large poorly chewed mouthfuls contributes to the reflux which can damage the lining of the throat and esophagus, and cause heartburn.
Flatulence, indigestion, heartburn, gas, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other discomforts. Chewing each bit thoroughly allows less air to enter in to the system which decreases gas and burping.
Cut the food into small pieces and allow extra time to chew food at a comfortable, unhurried pace.
Put your fork down on your plate after each bite.

Once you understand the benefits associated with chewing thoroughly, as well as the dangers and discomforts associated with not chewing correctly, you should be starting from this very moment to make the change.
There are dozens of ways to help kick-start you in to chewing correctly and feeding yourself with healthy foods and drink.
Whichever idea or numbers of ideas helps you to DO IT RIGHT, does not matter. JUST DO IT!

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