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Our Service and Maintenance Obligations To Our Own Human Body

We seem to take the chore of caring for any mechanical or electrical appliance seriously, no matter its size or complexities.

Let us take a simple example of an airplane. How many technicians and crew check and double check every single aspect before take-off? Note how many months, days and then hours are spent doing the same to a space vehicle.

Yet there is not any machine that is as complex as the Human Body. There is one major difference of course. A factor that no one has yet come to terms with. The human body is able to attend to every one of its trillions of functions and precise needs in a most miraculous way – without any fuss or off days.

So we are left to ask ourselves the following – “If the Human Body is such a super duper machine, why does it break down so frequently and allow all the various diseases and ailments to reach such epidemic proportions?”

As the answer stares us in the face throughout our lives, we would assume that there is a simple answer. The big question is then – “if the answer is so simple and obvious, why don’t we cater to it or take heed of the answer?”

Some say it is human nature. Easy come – easy go. I firmly believe in this answer:

-Not enough emphasis is placed on these needs and how to provide for them;
-We live in a dream world by believing that the over-worked medical profession will find a simple solution to remedy our ills;
-Although these needs are so basic and simple, no one is placing enough time and energy in to educating the general public from pre-school and up about its importance;
-The result? An ever-mounting sickness and ailment crisis greater than ever in history, which has grown so large as to be taking governments down the road to bankruptcy.

What a pathetic situation. There are no cures for these man-made ills. Temporary relief? Maybe. A permanent cure? Unlikely to impossible.

It is a medical as well as human physiological fact that most illnesses and ailments derive directly from our lack of providing these needs.

Two Essential Elements for a Healthy and Energetic Life Water Consumption and Mastication (Chewing your Food)

Surely these two critical duties that we have been given to control and to perform for the good of our bodies must be the most simple out of the trillions of functions that are taking place in our bodies 24/7. The body does not need our help with any of its multitude of other duties, but it does require that we do these two simple tasks correctly.

Virtually every other function is handled by the most complicated system known to man. What we may not realize is that few if any of these functions will perform well if we do not take our duties seriously and understand the implications. What are our duties? Sufficient Daily Water Consumption and how well we Chew our food.

The medical and health professions are bombarded with people seeking advice on how to address weight loss, digestive problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, colitis, migraines, headaches, back pain, muscle spasm, certain cancers, reflux, constipation – the list is virtually endless. There are supposedly drugs and pills available for every disease or ailment imaginable. So if you are lulled in to a sense of false security like – “I don’t have to worry about the body’s’ needs, as there are always one or more drugs to get me right.” You are dead wrong!

And then there are the thousands of diet centers and even more diets to choose from. Denmark has even instituted a Fat Tax. Buy bad foods and pay more. And then there is the proposal not to issue any further fast food restaurant licenses by another European country. Then there is the ban on selling bad foods at school cafeterias. All fine, except that without you attending to the two most basic of all disciplines, all these actions will come to naught.

And if by a wave of the magic wand everyone carried out these two basic functions, we would have no need for most of these medications which would leave the medical fraternity time to analyze and treat us more personally.

Dozens of high powered groups advise the public on how much exercise is needed to be healthy. Virtually every one offers a different theory. There is no limit to the health foods and drinks and health bars, protein drinks being marketed. Other than making you believe that you are on your way to a better life, they won’t do much good if you do not get your basic duties right.

If something as soft as water could carve a hole in solid rock, then surely continuous simple explanations combined with encouraging practical demonstrations of the basic daily needs of The Human Body should make an indelible impression on every human being?

Let us do a quick analysis of Water. Water is the common name applied to the liquid form (state) of the hydrogen and oxygen compound H2O. Pure water is an odorless, tasteless, clear liquid. Water is one of nature's most important gifts to mankind. Essential to life, a person's survival depends on drinking water. Water is one of the most essential elements to good health -- it is necessary for the digestion and absorption of food; helps maintain proper muscle tone; supplies oxygen and nutrients to the cells; rids the body of wastes; “oils & greases” the joints; and serves as a natural air conditioning system. Health officials emphasize the importance of drinking at least eight glasses of clean water each and every day to maintain good health.

Water might be everywhere, but one must never take it for granted.

From the earliest age, everyone is familiar with Water. We see it as rain and snow as well as in oceans, lakes, rivers and streams.

Since water contains no calories and can serve as an appetite suppressant and helps the body metabolize stored fat, it is one of the most significant factors in losing weight.

Not so apparent (and this may be the problem) is the water in our bodies. Water makes up for over 60% of human body weight, and without water, we would die in a few days. The human brain is made up of 95% water, blood 82% and lungs 90%. A mere 2% drop in our body's water supply can trigger signs of dehydration. For example, it is estimated that up to seventy-five percent of Americans have mild, chronic dehydration. Bearing in mind that Water is so readily available, how can this be?

Water is important to the mechanics of the human body. The body cannot work without it, just as a car or plane cannot run without gas and oil. In fact, all the cell and organ functions that make up our entire anatomy and physiology depend on water for their functioning.

As you follow other links on our website, you can read more in depth about how water can aid in the prevention and cure of many types of diseases, ailments and disorders that affect the many systems of our bodies.

​ absorb the facts and educate the family now. Don't delay!

Mastication (Chewing) is not only essential for a Healthy Life - it is an easy non-invasive habit to attain. It is logical and you have been given all the tools already placed in the perfect positions to carry out the tasks in the most comfortable and efficient way.
Yet it is absurd but true that most people do not take advantage of it.
Why is this so? It seems weird when correct mastication can prevent over-weight and so many serious diseases and ailments.
Why do we continue and persist on breaking all the rules and needs governing exactly how one is required to act? In fact the Human Being is the only ”species” that has the brain to guide him away from what is right. No animal or reptile would ever take on such behavior – even when tempted to do so.
The result of surveys on eating habits has illustrated the following:
Those that fill their plates with the maximum and eat it all like there is no tomorrow, report as follows –
-They feel full and even bloated, but not satisfied. In fact, they admit to feeling rather uncomfortable.
-They admit to not tasting the food. In fact most have trouble remembering what it was that they gulped down so quickly – as if someone would remove their plates before they had time to finish – heaven forbid.
-They did not even think of whether they were chewing their food or not.
-It was proved to them that it was almost impossible to chew a full mouthful correctly. So they failed to obtain the maximum benefits from the nutrients because the need to mix the food with saliva and enzymes failed. Only smaller (lesser in quantity) mouthfuls are the answer. It is not possible to maneuver a full load of food to all the various positions in the mouth so that the various sets of teeth, as well as the tongue and cheeks can do their jobs efficiently. So what happens? Much of the mouthful has not been masticated sufficiently and proceeds along the digestive route to serve little if any nutritional value. But does it play havoc within the digestive system? Plenty.
But with all this, no one could explain the need to rush to finish. So what is the rush to finish?
Would it not be a worthwhile exercise and discipline to NOT fill your plate and to TRY AND CHEW the food to its maximum for say ONE MONTH?
Don’t even change your food types for the month. But you can be assured that you will not feel full and bloated but rather satisfied and fulfilled. And suddenly nutrients will be welcomed by your system.
It may help to understand a little more about the Tongue. The tongue is an extremely strong and busy all-round muscle. This muscular organ plays a vital part for jump-starting the digestive process by guiding and molding food as well as perceiving its taste and texture, shaping the mouth to create speech and, of course, many other daily activities. But what is this unusual muscle? And how does it move to perform its diverse responsibilities?
Refer to the article on the Teeth & Tongue as well as The Human Tongue.
This is a quick tour of appreciation for what happens with the process. Mastication causes exocrine glands under the tongue and in the back of the mouth to secrete watery liquid called saliva which performs two essential functions. It moistens and compacts the chewed food so that your tongue can roll it into a suitable shape (now called “bolus” – no longer ”food”) and push it to the back of your mouth for swallowing and easy passing through the pharynx and esophagus to the stomach. In addition, saliva contains digestive enzymes (e.g. salivary amylase) which begin the breakdown of carbohydrates. Mastication and saliva secretion work in harmony: chewing increases the surface area of foods which helps to accelerate the breakdown of starch molecules into simple sugars by the digestive enzymes. Almost no protein or fat digestion occurs in the mouth.
The hygiene of digestion has to do with the quality and quantity of food eaten, and in the manner with which it is eaten (mastication).
When food is eaten too rapidly, it will not be properly broken down and it will not have received the benefits of saliva and enzymes which will have failed to be absorbed. As a consequence, the starch will not be properly digested and the stomach will not be able to make up for this loss by not being able to secrete enough gastric juice.
Surely the implementation of these actions and disciplines are so much more beneficial and less invasive than being a diabetic, or suffering from overweight or obesity, or from high blood pressure, digestive problems, cancers and a long list of other diseases and ailments.
The Human Body and all its trillions of meticulous complicated issues are taking place 24/7. We have been given and we are required to undertake the most simple of all tasks and yet we have a difficulty in adhering to these disciplines. What is it? Lack of knowledge? If so, log in to for FREE advice on everything you need to know about your digestive system duties and actions. Lack of motivation? Login now. You & Yours must get it right.
In the main, healthy disciplined parents nurture healthy offspring. This is compounded down the line. What a wonderful legacy to leave behind.
Do you have any of the under-mentioned or other issues that may be holding you back from making essential changes?
If so, contact us now. All inquiries and replies are held in the strictest of confidence.

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