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PAIN – Some Interesting Researched Facts

The Weather Affects on Pain

Changes in weather conditions can increase your pain, especially for arthritis sufferers. The belief is that barometric pressure affects joint pressure.

Women do handle pain better than men

Although many women quote childbirth pain as proof of their greater capacity to bear pain, this has not been proven for obvious reasons. However women do seek treatment more urgently and this may be the reason that they seem to recover more quickly. Then again, pain is such an individual event that it is difficult to make direct and accurate comparisons.

Is REST good for pain relief?

This certainly depends on where the pain is situated and how it arrived. The tried and proven method – R.I.C.E. – is often a safe and very effective initial remedy until your visit to the right professional source. Exercise should be avoided until the extent of the injury is established. Light Stretching should do no harm rather than relying completely on bed rest.

An Overweight condition can worsen the pain

Carrying excess bodyweight will place severe pressures on your joints and more particularly on your lower back. Less weight means less pressure on the hips, knees and ankles. Don't be fooled if you have joint pain and no back pain. The source is normally the lower back unless the painful joint arose from an injury.

Exercise when in pain. Yes or No?

It is often difficult to exercise whilst you have pain. It can also be counter-productive if you don't know why you are in pain. After all, to get benefit from exercise it has to be done with some intensity and this is often difficult and dangerous. On the other hand, if the injury is isolated say to one leg, by all means continue to exercise except for placing any excess pressures on the injured limb. On the other hand if you have lower back pain, even walking should be avoided especially if you are overweight. In general, stretching can be more affective and will also help you mentally, improve your mood and sleep.

Pain is a reality even if the source or exact point cannot be found

Pain should be treated even if the exact intensity, locality or source cannot be expressed or found. The important aim is to make you feel better.

Should I learn to live with the pain?

Never ignore pain which could lead to it becoming worse and serious. If over-the-counter pain medications don't work within a few days, consult your physician.

No Pain – No Gain!

Listen to your body. Pain is a sure sign that something is amiss. During exercise, it may be in order to work up to the "burn" but don't commit to pushing through a pain barrier. Know your limits. Recovering from an injury caused by a not so intelligent excess can set you back months.

Ageing and Pain

Grow old gracefully and wisely. Accept that you will likely have a few aches and pains which could be the norm. But there is no need to suffer from chronic pain which increases suffering and has a negative affect on your lifestyle. The danger often lies is assuming that the pain arrived because of your aging. Beware; this may not be the cause, so have it checked. A regular light, total body stretching program done preferably on a daily basis is vital so as to maintain as much flexibility as possible.

Pain Killers Could Lead to Addiction

When taken as directed, pain killers rarely cause addiction. Bear in mind however that your body may become physically dependent on the medication. Should you show any signs of a change in your moods or energy levels, you should stop the medication and consult your physician. This is a normal occurrence if the drug is taken for more than a few days.

Get an Endorphin Boost: Light Exercise and / or Stretching

It's a Catch-22: You're hurting, so you don't or can't exercise; but without exercise, you may lose muscle tone and strength, making the pain worse. Fortunately, even mild exercise or better still, a few minutes a day devoted to Stretching, releases endorphins, the feel-good brain chemicals that lift mood and block pain. Stretching

Breathing, Meditation, and Biofeedback

It sounds so obvious, but few of us actually take the time to stop what we're doing and calm our minds. Deep breathing, biofeedback, and meditation are all stress management techniques that relax your body, which helps ease pain. Natural Breathing

Avoid Alcohol

You need a good night's sleep to help soothe the stresses pain puts on your body. Although alcohol can help you fall asleep, as it metabolizes, it promotes shallow sleep, reduces important REM sleep, and may even wake you. The result: A less restful night.

Cut Pain: Quit Smoking

Some people find temporary relief from stress and pain with a quick smoke. The irony is that smoking may actually contribute to pain in the long run. It slows healing, worsens circulation, and increases the risk of degenerative disc problems, a cause of low back pain. If you need an incentive to quit, pain relief just may be it.

Give Your Body a Boost: Eat Better

If you're living with chronic pain, you want to do everything you can to help your body, not hinder it. One way to keep your body strong is to eat a well-balanced diet and make sure that you are drinking sufficient water during the day. Eating right improves blood sugar, helps maintain weight, reduces heart disease risk, and aids digestion. Aim for a diet rich in whole grains, fresh produce, and low-fat proteins.

Journal: Help Your Doctor Help You

Keeping a pain journal can be a great way to help your doctor understand and more effectively treat your chronic pain. At the end of each day, record a "pain score" between 1 and 10. Then note what you did that day, and how these activities made you feel. The next time you see the doctor, bring the journal and discuss your findings.

Schedule Relaxation, Set Limits

By taking care of your emotional and physical health, you can better manage your pain. That may mean saying no to events like parties if you need the rest. Or it may mean scheduling regular massages or setting an unbreakable dinner date with good friends to boost your spirits. How you care for you is unique to you -- and it's also up to you.

Distract Yourself

You already know that focusing on pain can just make it worse. That's why one potent prescription for relief is to keep busy with activities that take your mind off the pain. Take that cooking class you've had your eye on, join a garden club, try dance lessons. Even if you can't control the pain, you can control the rest of your life. Get started!

Know Your Medicines

Understand the medicines you're taking, what they can do for you, and their side effects. Then educate yourself about other treatment options. Your goal is to have a normal mood and activity level -- if you don't, then a different medicine might be better for you. Your job is to be proactive, to ask questions, and look for answers.

You're Not Alone

As many as one person in every three is dealing with chronic pain, so you're far from alone. Reaching out is the most important habit you can develop to help you deal with chronic pain. Tell friends and family what you're feeling because they won't know otherwise. Ask for help. Learn more about your condition. Then share what you know with others.

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