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Dynamic tension exercise

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General Stretches for Flexibility – Suitable for Everyone, from beginners to professional sportsmen/women and Teens

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Strength Exercises

Why should I exercise?
You should exercise mainly because the Human Body is a machine that needs to be active. You body will grow from birth until your late teen years. Thereafter the body elements even out for a while and then, within a few years, will start to lose muscle mass and flexibility. So the only one responsible for building a solid muscular and skeletal base is you, and the rate of decline is also in your hands.

What is and how important is muscle strength, tone and endurance?
Strength is a measure of your body’s ability to lift, push or pull. Most, but not all, exercise routines rely on “Dynamic” movements which will strengthen the muscle through the full range of motion. Total body fitness is achieved when your body is strong enough to do the functions that you want it to do.

Tone is the glamour part of muscular fitness. It gives your muscles definition. However you may be build big muscles which will lack tone if your body fat in too high.

Endurance is the ability to carry out various functions for longer periods. For example, the 100 meter dash is not an endurance race whereas the 5,000 meters is.

Important Notes concerning an Exercise Program
Read the instructions alongside each illustration carefully before doing the exercise
Take note of the breathing advice. Don’t ever hold in your breath
When doing a Standing exercise, always keep the knees slightly bent and preferably place one foot slightly ahead of the other. This helps take the pressure off the lower back.
Change the sequence, order and repetitions of each exercise regularly. “Shock” the muscles by not allowing them to know what exercise, or intensity or number of repetitions will be coming up next.
Play some background music if available.
Work out with a partner if possible
The program does not have to be done at the same time of the day. But don’t work out too soon after a meal. Sip water at regular intervals during the workout, especially outdoors in the heat
Always start the program with a light warm-up, followed by stretching and then the exercise program.
Dress warmly. Beware of the air-conditioning or fans.
1a – Chest Fly’s & Upper Back.
Posture:Stand upright with knees slightly bent or one leg in front of the other.

Breathing: In through nose to start & exhale from mouth as you close the elbows to the finish.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Upper Chest & Upper Back.

Start with the upper arms parallel & the forearms vertical to the ground. You are now going to start the movement by moving the elbows to meet in the front of the chest, using concentration to create resistance in the chest and back muscles alternatively going forward and back.

1b - Chest Fly’s.
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Upper Chest & Upper Back.

Squeeze the elbows together until they touch in front of the upper chest. It is more effective to have the elbows meet than the hands. As the elbows meet, give an extra squeeze with the chest muscles and then squeeze the back muscles throughout the reverse direction back to the start position. Repeat for between 12 - 15 repetitions at a slow deliberate rate. Don’t hurry the exercise – slow and deliberate is best.

2a - Chest Wide Ext. Fly Start
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Upper Chest & Upper Back.

Start with the arms raised to shoulder height at your sides. Palms facing forward and wrists relaxed & bent inwards. You are now going to start the movement by moving the arms to cross in the front of the chest, using concentration to create resistance both going forward and back.

2b – Chest Wide Ext. Fly Finish
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale as you push forward.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Upper Chest & Upper Back.

Squeeze the arms forward to cross in front of the upper chest. As the arrive at the maximum point, give an extra squeeze with the chest muscles and then squeeze the back muscles throughout the reverse direction back to the start position. Repeat for between 12 - 15 repetitions at a slow deliberate rate. Don’t hurry the exercise – slow and deliberate is best.

3a – Chest & Shoulder Lying Fly FitBall Start
Posture: Lie with your lower back on a FitBall, knees bent to 90 degrees.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Chest, Shoulders & Upper Back.

Start with the arms extended open & parallel to the ground. You are now going to start the movement by moving the arms to cross over in the front of the chest, using concentration to create resistance both going forward and back.

3 b - Chest & Shoulder Lying Fly FitBall Finish
Posture: Lie with your lower back on a FitBall, knees bent to 90 degrees.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Chest, Shoulders & Upper Back.

Squeeze the arms in front of and across your upper chest. As you reach your maximum crossover, give an extra squeeze with the chest muscles and then squeeze the back muscles throughout the reverse direction back to the start position. Repeat for between 12 - 15 repetitions at a slow deliberate rate. Don’t hurry the exercise – slow and deliberate is best.

4 – Lunges
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose at the start. Exhale from the mouth as you move forward to the end of the lunge.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Thighs, hamstrings and gluteus muscles.

Method 1:Start the exercise by standing upright with the feet shoulder width apart. Breathe in and slowly exhale as you move the right leg forwards to the extended lunge position. Use your abdominal muscles to help you push back to the start position.

Method 2:Start the exercise by standing upright with the feet shoulder width apart. Breathe in and slowly exhale as you move the left leg forwards to the extended lunge position. Now, instead of moving back to the start position, leave the feet is this position and push up with the bent leg. Then bend the right knee again for the next repetition and repeat for 5 repetitions, slowly increasing the repetitions as you get stronger and more adept at the movement. You should hold on to a chair or similar o n the side of your body for support and balance.

5(1) – Advanced Press Up Position Start.
Posture: The body should be as level with the floor as possible. Hands directly below the shoulders line. Head level. Knees not locked. Shins on the FitBall.

Breathing: In through nose at the start. Exhale from the mouth as you move forward to the end of the lunge.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Chest, Shoulders, Back and Upper Arms

This is the most advanced of 3 starting positions on the FitBall - with the ankles on the FitBall. The reason is to make the exercise easier or more difficult.

5(2) – Experienced Press Up Position Start.
Posture: The body should be as level with the floor as possible. Hands directly below the shoulders line. Head level. Knees not locked. Shins on the FitBall.

Breathing: In through nose at the start. Exhale from the mouth as you move forward to the end of the lunge.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Chest, Shoulders, Back and Upper Arms

This is the suggested intermediary position, with just below the knees on the FitBall. The reason is to make the exercise easier or more difficult.

5(3) - Beginners Press Up Position Start
Posture: The body should be as level with the floor as possible. Hands directly below the shoulders line. Head level. Knees not locked. Shins on the FitBall.

Breathing: In through nose at the start. Exhale from the mouth as you move forward to the end of the lunge.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Chest, Shoulders, Back and Upper Arms

There are a few starting positions which will either make the exercise more difficult or easier even for the absolute beginner who has never been able to accomplish even one press up. This is the suggested beginner position, with just below the hips – or even the hips proper, on the FitBall.

5a - Press Up Start – Regular Width.
Posture: The body should be as level with the floor as possible. Hands directly below the shoulders line. Head level. Knees not locked. Lower hips on the FitBal.

Breathing: In through nose at the start. Exhale from the mouth as you move forward to the end of the lunge.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Chest, Shoulders, Back and Upper Arms

This photo shows the hands at shoulder width apart with fingers facing forward. The exercise must be done slowly using the arms only to propel the movement. Don’t hurry the repetitions. Keep the line of the body constant throughout the repetition. Breathe in through the nose as you start the exercise and exhale on the upward move back to the start position.

5b - Press Up Finish.
Posture: The body should be as level with the floor as possible. Hands directly below the shoulders line. Head level. Knees not locked. Lower hips on the FitBal.

Breathing: In through nose at the start. Exhale from the mouth as you move forward to the end of the lunge.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Chest, Shoulders, Back and Upper Arms

This photo shows the hands at shoulder width apart with fingers facing forward. The exercise must be done slowly using the arms only to propel the movement. Don’t hurry the repetitions. Keep the line of the body constant throughout the repetition. Breathe in through the nose as you start the exercise and exhale on the upward move back to the start position. Beginners should start with a half range movement rather than a full movement as shown. Start with 5 repetitions increasing to your maximum.

6a - Press Up Wide Start
Posture:The body should be as level with the floor as possible. Hands outside the shoulders line. Head level. Knees not locked. Lower hips on the FitBall

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Chest, Shoulders, Back and Upper Arms.

This photo shows the hands at double shoulder width apart with fingers facing outwards. The exercise must be done slowly using the arms only to propel the movement. Don’t hurry the repetitions or use body movement. Keep the line of the body constant throughout the repetition. Breathe in through the nose as you start the exercise and exhale on the upward move back to the start position.

6b - Press Up Wide Finish.
Posture:The body should be as level with the floor as possible. Hands directly below the shoulders line. Head level. Knees not locked. Shins on the FitBall.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Chest, Shoulders, Back and Upper Arms.

This photo shows the hands at double shoulder width apart with fingers facing outwards. The exercise must be done slowly using the arms only to propel the movement. Don’t hurry the repetitions. Keep the line of the body constant throughout the repetition. Breathe in through the nose as you start the exercise and exhale on the upward move back to the start position. Beginners should start with a half movement rather than a full movement as shown. Start with 5 repetitions increasing to your maximum.

7a - Press Up Narrow Start .
Posture:The body should be as level with the floor as possible. Hands directly below the shoulders line. Head level. Knees not locked. Shins on the FitBall.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Chest, Shoulders, Back and Upper Arms.

This photo shows the hands at less than shoulder width apart with fingers facing forward. This position places more emphasis on the triceps. The exercise must be done slowly using the arms only to propel the movement. Don’t hurry the repetitions or use body movement. Keep the line of the body constant throughout the repetition. Breathe in through the nose as you start the exercise and exhale on the upward move back to the start position.

7b - Press Up Narrow Finish.
Posture:The body should be as level with the floor as possible. Hands directly below the shoulders line. Head level. Knees not locked. Shins on the FitBall.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Chest, Shoulders, Back and Upper Arms.

Don’t hurry the repetitions or use body movement. Keep the line of the body constant throughout the repetition. Breathe in through the nose as you start the exercise and exhale on the upward move back to the start position. Beginners should start with a half movement rather than a full movement as shown. Start with 5 repetitions increasing to your maximum. Start with 5 repetitions increasing to your maximum.

8a - Press Up on Knuckles Narrow Start
Posture:The body should be as level with the floor as possible. Hands directly below the shoulders line. Head level. Knees not locked. Shins on the FitBall.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Chest, Shoulders, Back and Upper Arms.

This photo shows the hands at shoulder width apart and on the knuckles rather than the open hands. For advanced exercisers only. This hand position will place more emphasis on the triceps. The exercise must be done slowly using the arms only to propel the movement. Don’t hurry the repetitions or use body movement. Keep the line of the body constant throughout the repetition. Breathe in through the nose as you start the exercise and exhale on the upward move back to the start position.

8b - Press Up on Knuckles Narrow Finish
Posture:The body should be as level with the floor as possible. Hands directly below the shoulders line. Head level. Knees not locked. Shins on the FitBall.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Chest, Shoulders, Back and Upper Arms.

This photo shows the hands at shoulder width apart and on the knuckles rather than the open hands.For advanced exercisers only.This hand position will place more emphasis on the triceps. The exercise must be done slowly using the arms only to propel the movement. Don’t hurry the repetitions or use body movement. Keep the line of the body constant throughout the repetition. Breathe in through the nose as you start the exercise and exhale on the upward move back to the start position. The less experienced should start with a half movement rather than a full movement as shown. Start with 5 repetitions increasing to your maximum.

9a - Leg Curl Standing Start
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Hamstrings.

Stand upright and balance by holding lightly on to a chair or similar. Assuming you are going to start with the right leg as shown, make sure that the left knee is bent throughout the exercise. Slowly raise and bend the leg towards the buttocks keeping the foot flexed – toe pulled up. The whole body should be relaxed and all the concentration and resistance should be concentrated on the hamstring muscle.

9b - Leg Curl Standing Finish
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Hamstrings.

Making sure that the left knee is bent throughout the exercise, slowly raise and bend the leg towards the buttocks keeping the foot flexed – toe pulled up. The whole body should be relaxed and all the concentration and resistance should be concentrated on the hamstring muscle. Hold at the top of the movement and release down tom the starting position whilst breathing in through the nose. Exhale on the way up. Repeat for a least 10 - 15 repetitions and increasing over time.

10a - Squat Regular Stance FitBall Start
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Quadriceps (Thighs), Gluteus & Hamstrings.

Place a FitBall against a solid flat surface and fitted snugly in to your lower back. Feet are shoulder width apart and placed slightly in front of the waist line. The body is relaxed and posture upright.

10b - Squat Regular Stance FitBall Half or Full.
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Quadriceps (Thighs), Gluteus & Hamstrings.

Place a FitBall against a solid flat surface and fitted snugly in to your lower back. Feet are shoulder width apart and placed slightly in front of the waist line. The body is relaxed and posture upright. Breathe in through the nose whilst slowly bending at the knees and squatting straight down to either a half squat (as shown) or lower to a full squat (thighs parallel to the ground). Ensure that the knees never pass over the line of the toes. If this happens, you are either not standing forward enough at the start or you are bending forward whilst squatting down. Do at least 5 – 8 repetitions for a start, increasing to over 100 per set.

11a - Squat Wide Stance FitBall Start.
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Quadriceps (Thighs), Gluteus & Hamstrings.

Place a FitBall against a solid flat surface and fitted snugly in to your lower back. Feet are double shoulder width apart with toes facing out at an angle of 45 degrees and placed slightly in front of the waist line. The body is relaxed and posture upright. This position will place more emphasis on the inner thighs.

11b - Squat Wide Open Stance FitBall Half or Full
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Quadriceps (Thighs), Gluteus & Hamstrings.

Place a FitBall against a solid flat surface and fitted snugly in to your lower back. Feet are double shoulder width apart and placed slightly in front of the waist line. The body is relaxed and posture upright. Breathe in through the nose whilst slowly bending at the knees and squatting straight down to either a half squat (as shown) or lower to a full squat (thighs parallel to the ground). Ensure that the knees never pass over the line of the toes. If this happens, you are either not standing forward enough at the start or you are bending forward whilst squatting down. Do at least 5 – 8 repetitions for a start, increasing to over 100 per set.

12a -Standing Lateral Shoulder Raise Start
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent, one leg in front and lean slightly on this front leg.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Shoulders (Lateral Deltoids.

Start by lightly clenching the fists, bend the elbows and bring the forearms parallel to the ground. Breathe in before you start the movement

12b - Standing Lateral Shoulder Raise Finish.
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent, one leg in front and lean slightly on this front leg.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Shoulders (Lateral Deltoids).

Concentrate on raising the elbows to the side of the body as high as possible. All the concentration and resistance must be placed on the shoulder area. Exhale as you raise your elbows to at least shoulder height and more. Don’t allow the elbows to float in front of the shoulders. Do at least 8 repetitions as a start increasing gradually to 12

13a - Standing Shoulder Shrugs Start.
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Shoulders (Lateral Deltoids).

Stand or sit with a good tall relaxed posture. The exercise movement is to raise the shoulders as high as possible towards the ears. Breathe in before starting the upward movement

13b - Standing Shoulder Shrugs Finish.
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Shoulders (Lateral Deltoids).

Breathe in before starting the upward movement. As you raise the shoulders to their maximum height, exhale slowly. Hold the shoulders and squeeze before slowly lowering the arms to the starting position whilst inhaling again ready for the next repetition. Keep the shoulders from moving forward during the upward movement. Rather concentrate on keeping them in a line towards your ears. Do at least 8 repetitions as a start increasing gradually to 12.

14a - Seated Leg Extensions Start
Posture: Sit upright with feet slightly raised from the ground.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: The muscles above the knees in the thighs.

The feet can be together or slightly apart. Flex the toes towards the body. Breathe in before starting the extension of the legs upward as far as is comfortable without bouncing or throwing them up.

14b - Seated Leg Extensions Finish
Posture: Sit upright with feet slightly raised from the ground.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: The muscles above the knees in the thighs.

Breathe in before starting the extension of the legs upward as far as is comfortable without bouncing or throwing them up. Exhale on the way up and squeeze the thigh muscles as you get to the maximum height. Then slowly lower the legs to the starting position whilst breathing in to be ready for the next repetition. Do at least 8 repetitions as a start increasing gradually to 20.

15 - Pelvic Raise
Posture: Lie flat on your back with knees bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Gluteus (Buttocks) and Lower Back.

Place your hands lightly on your abdomen. Breathe in before starting the movement which is to raise the hips as high as possible. During the upward movement, squeeze the buttocks and lower back muscles, exhale and the hold for a second or two at the top position. Then slowly lower the hips under control whilst breathing in to be ready for the next repetition. Do at least 5 repetitions to start slowly increasing to 12.

16a - Pelvic Raises from Seated Start
Posture: Sit with knees bent at 90 degrees.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Gluteus (Buttocks), Lower Back & Hamstrings.

Place your hands behind your body with the fingers facing backwards. Bend the knees to a 90 degree angle and lean slightly backwards. Breathe in before starting the movement which is to raise the hips as high as possible.

16b - Pelvic Raises from Seated Finish
Posture: Sit with knees bent at 90 degrees.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Gluteus (Buttocks), Lower Back & Hamstrings.

Breathe in before starting the movement which is to raise the hips as high as possible. During the upward movement, squeeze the buttocks and lower back muscles, exhale and the hold for a second or two at the top position. Then slowly lower the hips under control whilst breathing in to be ready for the next repetition. Do at least 5 repetitions to start slowly increasing to 12.

17a - Bicep Curl and Triceps Extension Start
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent and one leg ahead of the other.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Biceps and Triceps – Muscles of the upper arms.

Start the exercise with the hands at your sides, fists lightly clenched and fists turned in towards the arm. The movement involves bending the elbow and raising the fists as high as possible without moving the elbows forward from their position at the side of the body. Breathe in before starting the curl upwards towards the shoulders. Squeeze the bicep muscles at the top of the movement.

17b - Bicep Curl and Triceps Extension Finish.
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent and one leg ahead of the other.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Biceps and Triceps – Muscles of the upper arms.

Once you have reached the top of the bicep curl, exhale whilst moving the fists backwards as far as possible for the triceps part of the exercise. On the way back, turn the fists from facing inwards to face each other, a hammer position. Once again squeeze the triceps muscles at the top of the movement and hold for a second or two. Then breathe in again as you start the movement back to repeat the biceps curl and turn the fist back in to face the chest. Do at least 8 repetitions as a start increasing to 20 and more.

18a - Bicep Hammer Curl and Triceps Extension Start.
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent and one leg ahead of the other.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Biceps and Triceps – Muscles of the upper arms.

Start the exercise with the hands at your sides, fists lightly clenched and fists turned in to face each other. This is the only difference between exercise # 17 a and this one. The movement involves bending the elbow and raising the fists as high as possible without moving the elbows forward from their position at the side of the body. Breathe in before starting the curl upwards towards the shoulders. Squeeze the bicep muscles at the top of the movement.

18b - Bicep Hammer Curl and Triceps Extension Finish.
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent and one leg ahead of the other.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Biceps and Triceps – Muscles of the upper arms.

Once you have reached the top of the bicep curl, exhale whilst moving the fists backwards as far as possible for the triceps part of the exercise. Keep the fists facing inwards to face each other, a hammer position. Once again squeeze the triceps muscles at the top of the movement and hold for a second or two. Then breathe in again as you start the movement back to repeat the biceps curl keeping the fists facing inwards throughout the movement. Do at least 8 repetitions as a start increasing to 20 and more.

19 - Lower Back Leg & Opposite Arm Extension.
Posture: Start on all fours with back straight.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Gluteus and Lower Back.

Breathe in and slowly extend say the right leg backwards whilst at the same time extending the left arm forwards. Hold the stretch for a second or two and exhale on the way to the full extension. Inhale whilst bringing the leg and arm back to the start position and repeat for say 5 repetitions at the start. Repeat with the left leg and right arm.

20 - Lying FitBall Gluteus Kicks.
Posture: Lie flat on a FitBall with back straight.

Breathing: In through nose and exhale from mouth during the exercise. Don’t hold your breath.

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: : Gluteus and Lower Back.

The FitBall should be at hip level for beginners. The further the body moves backwards, the more difficult the exercise. Straighten the legs as much as possible and flex the toes inwards. Raise and lower each leg alternatively like a crawl without bending at the knees. Count on one side for 8 repetitions at the start slowly increasing to 20 and more.

21a - Triceps Dip Start .
Posture: Place the hands behind your body on a bench or a chair with knees bent at +- 90 degrees.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Triceps and Shoulders.

Inhale before starting to bend the elbows whilst dropping the hips towards the ground.

21b - Triceps Dip Extension .
Posture: Place the hands behind your body on a bench or a chair with knees bent at +- 90 degrees.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Triceps and Shoulders.

starting to bend the elbows whilst dropping the hips towards the ground.

22a - Calf Raises Start .
Posture: Stand upright with a slight forward lean of the upper body and the knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Calves.

Hold on to a chair or similar for balance. If you have a Step that’s great. If not a piece of wood say 2 – 3 inches high and 4 – 6 inches wide for stability will also do. Keep the knees bent throughout the movement. The balls of the feet must be on the Step. Inhale before rising on to your toes.

22b - Calf Raises Finish .
Posture: Stand upright with a slight forward lean of the upper body and the knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Calves.

Keep the knees bent throughout the movement. The balls of the feet must be on the Step. Then inhale before starting the rise on to the toes as high as is comfortable whilst exhaling. Squeeze at the top of the exercise and slowly lower to the start position whilst inhaling. Start with at least 12 repetitions increasing to 40 and more.

23 - Calf Extensions
Posture: Stand upright with a slight forward lean of the upper body and the knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Calves (Gastronemius) muscle stretching behind the knees.

Move the legs alternatively forward to the position as shown, whilst stretching the calf muscle of the back leg with the leg as straight as possible. Repeat alternatively with the other leg for at least 8 repetitions each leg.

24a - Wrist Forearm Curl Start
Posture: Sit with the elbows resting on your knees. Body is leaning forward with the back straight.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Forearms and Wrists.

Extend and bend the wrists as shown. The exercise involves squeezing the wrists up and in to the forearms.

24b - Wrist Forearm Curl Extension Finish
Posture: Sit with the elbows resting on your knees. Body is leaning forward with the back straight.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Forearms and Wrists.

Extend and bend the wrists as shown. Inhale before starting to squeeze the wrists in towards the forearms whilst exhaling. Release the wrist under tension to the start position whilst inhaling ready for the start of the next repetition. Do at least 8- 12 repetitions.

25a – Raised Leg Squat - Start
Posture: Stand upright with one foot raised on to a Step or similar stable platform. Knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Quadriceps (Thighs), Gluteus & Hamstrings.

The feet are more than shoulder width apart and placed slightly in front of the waist line. The body is relaxed and posture upright.

25b – Raised Leg Squat - Finish
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Quadriceps (Thighs), Gluteus & Hamstrings.

Breathe in through the nose whilst slowly bending at the knees and squatting straight down to either a half squat (as shown) or lower to a full squat (thighs parallel to the ground). Ensure that the knees never pass over the line of the toes. If this happens, you are either not standing forward enough at the start or you are bending forward whilst squatting down. Do at least 5 – 8 repetitions for a start, increasing as you get stronger to 15 – 20.

start, increasing as you get stronger to 15 – 20.Remember to inhale on the way down to your level and exhale on the way up to the start position.

26 – Inner Thighs & Hamstrings Stretch
Posture: Stand upright with feet shoulder width apart.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Inner Thighs & Hamstrings.

This is an advanced stretch / exercise.From the upright position with knees slightly bent, move slowly to the right side. Keep the left leg static and insure that the right knee does not over-ride the right toe. Hold for a few seconds & move across to the left side.It is important to keep the abdominals firm for better balance and control of the movement. Don’t bend the upper body forward.

27a – Shoulder Forward Raises - Start
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent and one leg ahead of the other.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Shoulders & Neck.

Fold the arms by placing the left hand under the right elbow and visa versa. Inhale before raising the arms above your head.

Once again squeeze the triceps muscles at the top of the movement and hold for a second or two. Then breathe in again as you start the movement back to repeat the biceps curl and turn the fist back in to face the chest. Do at least 8 repetitions as a start increasing to 20 and more.

27b – Shoulder Forward Raises - Finish
Posture: Stand upright with knees slightly bent and one leg ahead of the other.

Breathing: In through nose. Exhale from mouth

Relax: Concentrate on muscles being stretched.

Muscle Groups: Shoulders & Neck.

Inhale before raising the arms above your head. Take them as high as possible while exhaling. Slowly return to the start position by inhaling ready for the next repetition.Do at least 8 repetitions as a start increasing to 12.

Stretches for the Lower Body

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