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What are Muscles made of?

There are three types of muscles. Cardiac and skeletal muscles are "striated" and packed into highly-regular arrangements of bundles; smooth muscle has neither. Your muscles are made of specialized fibers which move the bones and the joints. It is the only part of the body that can perform this function. Muscles are attached to your bones by Tendons.

How do Muscles know how to do the movements required?

- Skeletal muscle or "voluntary muscle" is connected by tendons to bone and is used to effect skeletal movement and in order to maintain your posture. The overall weight of an average adult male is made up of 40–50% of skeletal muscle and an average adult female is made up of 30–40%. These muscles need to be activated consciously.
- Smooth muscle or "involuntary muscle" is found within the walls of organs. Unlike skeletal muscle, smooth muscle is not under conscious control.
- Cardiac muscle is also an "involuntary muscle" but is more like the structure of the skeletal muscle. Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart.

Why is Exercise good for the Muscles?

Exercise is used as a means of improving muscle, bone and the strength of the connective tissues, balance, fitness (both strength and aerobic), motor skills, and the smooth & efficient function of joints as well as the nerves that stimulate the muscles.

How are Muscles and Tendons injured?

Injuries to muscles and tendons are usually called strains. These occur when you have lifted a weight badly or from a poor sitting posture over a long period. It can also happen by sudden movements like jerking a heavy item or twisting the body especially whilst lifting or carrying.
Muscles do have a protection mechanism that helps protect them from strains. Not so effective with sudden movements, but very effective if you use the back muscles to protect other muscles, ligaments, tendons and discs from injury.

What are the ways to prevent back pain?

There are Six Key rules for Prevention. These are.

1. Posture – The most common reason for strains or sprains to your back occur by over-stretching of the supportive structures. Bad stretching occurs when the lower back is bowed out backwards. To prevent injury, your lower back must maintain its normal shape or posture at all times.
2.Rest - Proper relaxing rest is vital to the maintenance and function of a healthy back.
3.Body Mechanics - Extended, reaching or staying in one place for a long time is sure to create a problem. Learning how to treat and hold your spine in its most natural and strong position will avoid injuries.
4.Lifting - Most back injuries occur whilst either lifting or pushing. There are techniques that can be learned and easily applied to avoid injury.
5.Exercise - Because we are continually asking our back to perform duties that are not always within its safety zone, correct exercise is an important part of the prevention of back injuries. It should be a daily goal to maintain good disciplines, mobility and strength in your back. Stretching and exercise should be a regular part of your life.
6.Excess Fat - If you are carrying an excess, there are non-invasive ways to get rid of it and still maintain your muscle. You will notice that we refer to “Fat” and not weight. Everyone can benefit from reading and implementing the simple ideas that we have explained in the article of “The First Stage of the Digestive System”. Carrying excess fat is doing more than damage to the spine – every system is being affected.

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